PackLess MOOC

PackLess MOOC:

The MOOC, designed as a comprehensive digital learning tool, features a modular curriculum structure available in English, Polish, German, and Bulgarian. Tailored for both SME owners and Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers, its purpose is to educate SME staff and leaders responsible for packaging, procurement, distribution, and logistics. This interactive resource center serves as a hub for information and inspiration on zero waste packaging, covering standards, legislation, literature, good practices, methods, and tools.

Key elements of the MOOC will include (to be confirmed by partners):

  1. Modular Curriculum: Each learning unit follows a structured syllabus, offering a unique set of learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills, and competencies. These outcomes can be consistently assessed and validated.

  2. Interactive Resource Centre: A dynamic platform housing information and inspiration on zero waste packaging, integrating standards, legislation, literature, best practices, methods, and tools.

  3. Confirmed Components (to be validated by partners):

    • Gap Analysis Results: Reports on sustainable packaging, incorporating opinions from customers, employees of waste sorting plants, suppliers, and identification of key problems related to packaging waste.
    • Database of Solutions: A repository of companies offering sustainable packaging solutions, sustainable shipping, and showcasing good practices.
    • Interactive Forum: Facilitating the exchange of contacts and fostering discussions and idea-sharing among participants.
  4. Training Modules: Divided into key areas, including:

    • Basic theoretical information and definitions.
    • Zero waste packaging business models for various settings, such as shops, offices, and shipping/delivery.
    • Characteristics of sustainable packaging, emphasizing environmentally friendly materials.
    • Packaging design strategies, covering optimized design, sustainable sourcing, and support for recycling.
  5. Self-Testing: A feature allowing participants to assess their understanding and progress within the course.

The initiation of the MOOC development process will begin with a proactive involvement of Partners, SME leaders, and Vocational Education and Training (VET) trainers in the overall project activities. A strategic approach is in place to notably boost the participation of representatives from the target group during the subsequent phase. This heightened engagement is expected to cultivate a strong sense of ownership among SME staff, leaders, and VET educators. The ultimate goal is to empower and transform them into enthusiastic advocates for the utilization of the educational content, specifically designed to promote sustainable development in the domain of packaging.